listLevel object
The listLevel object contains information about the list level.
Property | Data type | Description |
levelIndex * | integer |
List level index. Minimum value: 0 |
numberingStyle * | listNumberingStyle | List numbering style used in the current list level. |
startNumber * | integer | The first number in the list. |
* Indicates a required property.
The listNumberingStyle (string enum) data type describes the list numbering style.
Possible values
Value | Description | Example |
None | No numbering. | |
Decimal | Decimal numbering. | 1, 2, 3, ... , 9, 10, 11, ... |
UpperRoman | Uppercase Roman numerals. | I, II, III, ... |
LowerRoman | Lowercase Roman numerals. | i, ii, iii, ... |
UpperLetter | Uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet. | A, B, C, ... |
LowerLetter | Lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet. | a, b, c, ... |
Ordinal | Ordinal numbers of the current language. | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... |
CardinalText | Cardinal numerals of the current language. | One, two, three, ... |
OrdinalText | Ordinal numerals of the current language. | The first, the second, the third, ... |
Hex | Hexadecimal numbering. | 1, 2, 3, ... , 9, A, B, ... |
Chicago | Characters as defined in the Chicago Manual of Style. | *, †, ‡, ... |
IdeographDigital | Sequential numeric ideographs. | 一, 二, 三, 四, ... |
JapaneseCounting | Sequential numbers from the Japanese counting system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 十, 十一, ... |
JapaneseLegal | Sequential numbers from the Japanese legal counting system. | 壱, 弐, 参, ... |
JapaneseDigitalTenThousand | Sequential numbers from the Japanese digital ten thousand counting system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 一〇, ... |
Aiueo | Hiragana characters in the traditional a-i-u-e-o order. | ア, イ, ウ, ... |
AiueoFullWidth | Full-width Hiragana characters in the traditional a-i-u-e-o order. | ア, イ, ウ, ... |
Iroha | Katakana characters in the iroha order. | イ, ロ, ハ, ... |
IrohaFullWidth | Full-width Katakana characters in the iroha order. | イ, ロ, ハ, ... |
DecimalFullWidth | Double byte Arabic numbering. | 1, 2, 3 |
DecimalFullWidth2 | An alternative set of double byte Arabic numbering, if one exists in the current font. | 1, 2, 3 |
DecimalHalfWidth | Single byte Arabic numbering. | 1, 2, 3, ... |
DecimalEnclosedCircle | Decimal numbering enclosed in a circle, using the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character. Once the specified sequence reaches 21, the numbers may be replaced with non-enclosed equivalents. | ①, ②, ③, ... |
DecimalEnclosedCircleChinese | Decimal numbering enclosed in a circle, using the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character. Once the specified sequence reaches 11, the numbers may be replaced with non-enclosed equivalents. | ①, ②, ③, ... |
DecimalEnclosedFullstop | Decimal numbering followed by a period, using the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character. Once the specified sequence reaches 21, the numbers may be replaced with non-enclosed equivalents. | 1., 2., 3., ... |
DecimalEnclosedParen | Decimal numbering enclosed in parenthesis, using the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character. Once the specified sequence reaches 21, the numbers may be replaced with non-enclosed equivalents. | (1), (2), (3), ... |
DecimalZero | Arabic numbering with a zero added in front of numbers 1 through 9. | 01, 02, 03, ..., 09, 10, ... |
NumberInDash | Arabic numbers enclosed in dash characters. | - 1 -, - 2 -, - 3 -, ... |
IdeographEnclosedCircle | Sequential numerical ideographs enclosed in a circle, using the appropriate character. Once the specified sequence reaches 11, the numbers may be replaced with non-enclosed equivalents. | ㊀, ㊁, ㊂, ... |
IdeographTraditional | Sequential numerical traditional ideographs. | 甲, 乙, 丙, ... |
IdeographZodiac | Zodiac ideographs. | 子, 丑, 寅, ... |
IdeographZodiacTraditional | Traditional Zodiac ideographs. | 甲子, 乙丑, 丙寅, ... |
TaiwaneseCounting | Sequential numbers from the Taiwanese counting system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 十, ... |
IdeographLegalTraditional | Sequential numerical traditional legal ideographs. | 壹, 貳, 參, ... |
TaiwaneseCountingThousand | Sequential numbers from the Taiwanese counting thousand system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 一○, ... |
TaiwaneseDigital | Sequential numbers from the Taiwanese digital counting system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 十, ... |
ChineseCounting | Ascending numbers from the Chinese counting system numbering. | 一, 二, 三, 四, ... |
ChineseLegalSimplified | Sequential numbers in the Chinese simplified legal format. | 壹, ... , 肆, 伍, ... |
ChineseCountingThousand | Sequential numbers from the Chinese counting thousand system. | 一, 二, ... , 九, 一○, ... |
KoreanDigital | Sequential numbers from the Korean digital counting system. | |
KoreanDigital2 | Sequential numbers from the Korean digital counting system alternate. | |
KoreanCounting | Sequential numbers from the Korean counting system. | 일, 이, 삼, ... |
KoreanLegal | Sequential numbers from the Korean legal numbering system. | 하나, 둘, 셋, ... |
Ganada | Sequential numbers in the Korean Ganada format. | 가, 나, 다, ... |
Chosung | Sequential numbers in the Korean Chosung format. | ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ... |
Hebrew1 | Hebrew numerals. | י,יא, ... ,ג, ב, א |
Hebrew2 | Characters of the Hebrew alphabet. | א , ב , ג |
ArabicAlpha | Characters of the Arabic alphabet. | أ , ب ,ت |
ArabicAbjad | Ascending Arabic Abjad numerals. | أ, ب ,ج |
HindiVowels | Hindi vowels. | क, ख, ग, ... |
HindiConsonants | Hindi consonants. | अ, आ, इ, ... |
HindiNumbers | Hindi numbers. | १, २, ३, ... |
HindiCounting | Sequential numbers from the Hindi counting system. | एक, दो, तीन, ... |
ThaiLetters | Thai letters. | ก, ข, ค, ... |
ThaiNumbers | Thai numerals. | ๒ , ๓ , ๔, ... |
ThaiCounting | Sequential numbers from the Thai counting system. | หนึ่ง, สอง, สาม, ... |
VietnameseCounting | Vietnamese numerals. | mô?t, hai, ba, ... |
RussianLower | Lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet. | а, б, в, ... |
RussianUpper | Uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet. | А, Б, В, ... |
Burmese | Burmese numerals. | ၁, ၂, ၃, ... |
Bullet | Bullet characters. | ● |
ApplicationDefined | Application defined numbering. | |
Unnumbered | Without numbering. |
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