Command line installation options

This section describes all supported command-line options of the built-in installer.

Option Default Value Description
INSTALLDIR="<destination path>"

The path to the folder where the ABBYY FineReader Engine library will be installed.

Important! This parameter is required.

DeinstallRuntime=Yes | No No Specifies if the existing runtime installation of the library must be uninstalled.
MODULES=<list of library modules> | None | All All

The list of library modules that you want to install. See the list of available modules below. The modules must be separated with commas (,). For example, MODULES=ICR,PDF,BasicLang. If you do not want to install any of these modules, set this option to None. If you want to install all the modules, set this option to All.

Important! If you intend to open the office formats, install the OfficeConverters module together with the PDF module.

WIBUDR=Yes | No No Specifies whether hardware key drivers (CodeMeter) must be installed.

Specifies whether Licensing Service must be installed. If WIBUDR=Yes, the Licensing Service is installed automatically and cannot be excluded from the installation. The Licensing Service is installed to the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\ABBYY\SDK\12\Licensing folder on a 32-bit operating system, and %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\ABBYY\SDK\12\Licensing folder on a 64-bit operating system.

Important! Licensing Service is required for working with ABBYY FineReader Engine library, and for correct installation you must do one of the following:

  • If you have a Standalone or an Online license, you should install the Licensing Service on the same computer on which ABBYY FineReader Engine is installed. Set this parameter to Yes.
  • In the case of Network license, you should install the Licensing Service beforehand on a network server — a computer which will manage and distribute licenses among workstations in a network. Set this parameter to No and specify the address of the server in the SERVERNAME parameter during installation on your workstation. If you set this parameter to No and omit the server address, an error will be returned and installation will not be completed.
SERVERNAME=<the DNS name or IP address>

The DNS name or IP address of the computer where the Licensing Service is installed.

Note: When specifying SERVERNAME, LICENSESRV is automatically set to No.

LICENSEDATADIR="<destination path>" The path to the folder where auxiliary information about licensing will be stored. By default, it is the %ProgramData%\ABBYY\SDK\12\Licenses. You may change the folder with this option when performing Runtime installation or after, through the InitializeEngine function.
RegisterCOM=Yes | No | Force Yes

Specifies whether the COM wrappers should be registered. The registration is performed by calling the DllRegisterServer function from FREngine.dll. If the library is already registered with the different path:

  • if this option is set to Yes, an error is returned;
  • if this option is set to Force, the library is re-registered to the new path and the installation is continued.

If the MODULES option contains VC or is set to All, the library must be registered. Setting this option to No will cause an error and the installation will not be completed.


Silent mode without a progress bar. This is mandatory option because the runtime installation can be performed only in silent mode. Use the /passive option if you want the progress bar to be displayed during the installation. No other dialog boxes will be displayed.

If these options are not specified, the /passive option is used by default.

/extract Specifies whether the ABBYY FineReader Engine files should be extracted from the distribution package to a certain folder without installation. No entries will be made in the Windows registry, services, or package cache. However, the procedure requires administrator rights. Use this option to unpack the ABBYY FineReader Engine files and create your custom package.

03.07.2024 8:50:42

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