onBufferProcessedWithTextLines:resultStatus: method of the RTRTextCaptureServiceDelegate protocol

Notifies the delegate that a frame was recognized, delivers the result and its stability status.

The result stability status should be used to determine if the accuracy is high enough for the result to be used for any practical purposes. We recommend not to use the data in any way until the stability level has reached at least RTRResultStabilityAvailable. When stability of the result has reached the desired level, the service may be stopped by calling the stopTasks method of the RTRTextCaptureService protocol.

This method is to be implemented on the client side. The implementation of this method will probably contain assessing the result plausibility, displaying the results to the user or using them in any way you need.

- (void)onBufferProcessedWithTextLines:(NSArray*)textLines resultStatus:(RTRResultStabilityStatus)resultStatus;


The result as an array of text lines, represented by RTRTextLine objects.
The estimate of how stable the result is, represented by an RTRResultStabilityStatus enumeration constant. It is not guaranteed that it ever reaches the desired level for a particular scene.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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