CropOperation class

An operation for image crop. The crop is performed on the image taking into account the orientation set up during image loading, if the image was loaded from byte buffer. In case the image was loaded from bitmap, orientation is not used.

This operation not only crops the image but also corrects perspective distortion if needed.

Use the apply method of the ImageOperation interface to apply the operation to the image.

abstract static class IImagingCoreAPI.CropOperation {
   public Point[] DocumentBoundary;
   public int DocumentHeight;
   public int DocumentWidth;
   public int Resolution;


Name Type Description
DocumentBoundary Point[] Document boundary defined by the four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left.
DocumentHeight int [in, optional] The document height in millimeters.
DocumentWidth int [in, optional] The document width in millimeters.
Resolution int [out] The image resolution as calculated from image size and physical page size.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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