IZoomViewerEvents Interface
This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the ZoomViewer object to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client-side. See the detailed implementation advice for your development tool in Working with Connectable Objects.
This interface is derived from IInputEvents interface and inherits all its methods.
An object receiving notifications through this interface's methods may do the following inside the methods' implementation:
- Report information on blocks selection, analysis and recognition and cancel these operations.
- Process any Windows messages, which is useful in applications having user interface, to avoid the effect that the application "is not responding" during long operations.
- Report information about mouse moving and clicking, key pressing, scrolling.
Name | Description |
OnActivePageChanged | Called after the active page has been changed in Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client a reference to the new page. |
OnAfterDblClick | Called after a position in a recognized block has been double-clicked in Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the index of the double-clicked block and the coordinates of the point in it. |
OnAnalyzePage | Called before the start of the page analysis process which has been invoked from Zoom Viewer. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnAnalyzeRegion | Called before the start of the block analysis process which has been invoked from Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the coordinates of the region which is going to be analyzed. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnAnalyzeTable | Called before the start of the table analysis process which has been invoked from Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the index of the block which is going to be analyzed. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnBlockAdded | Called after a new block was added in Zoom Viewer. |
OnBlockSelectionChanged | Called after blocks selection has been changed either in Zoom Viewer, or in Image Viewer synchronized with Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the index of the newly selected block. |
OnChangeBlockType | Called after the block type has been changed in Image Viewer or in Zoom Viewer synchronized with Image Viewer. Allows you to cancel the type change. |
OnDeleteBlocks | Called before deleting the blocks in Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the indices of the blocks which are going to be deleted. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnLocked | Called after Zoom Viewer has been locked or unlocked. Delivers to the client information on whether the Zoom Viewer component is locked or unlocked. |
OnLongOperationFinished | Called after the end of a long-term processing operation (e.g., layout analysis, recognition) in Zoom Viewer. |
OnLongOperationStarted | Called before the beginning of a long-term processing operation (e.g., layout analysis, recognition) in Zoom Viewer. |
OnOptionsChanged | Called after an option have been changed in Zoom Viewer. Options are specified in the Options dialog box, which is displayed if the MI_Options command is called. |
OnProgress | Called during page processing. Delivers to the client approximate percentage of the current analysis or recognition operation. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnReadBlocks | Called before the start of the blocks recognition process which has been invoked from Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the indices of blocks which are going to be recognized. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnReadPage | Called before the start of the page recognition process which has been invoked from Zoom Viewer. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnScale | Called before scaling an image in Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the scale value. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnSelectTool | Called after a tool has been selected either in Zoom Viewer, or in Image Viewer synchronized with Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client information on the tool which has been selected. |
OnTableCellsSelected | Called after table cells have been selected either in Zoom Viewer, or in Image Viewer synchronized with Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client information on the index of the table block the cells of which have been selected, and the surrounding rectangle of the selected cells. |
OnToolAddBlock | Called before adding a new block that has been drawn in Zoom Viewer with the help of a tool of Image Viewer. Delivers to the client information about the block that has been drawn: its type and region. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnToolChangeBlockRegion | Called before changing a region of the block that has been modified in Zoom Viewer with the help of a tool of Image Viewer. Delivers to the client information on the blocks the regions of which are going to be changed, and the new region of the resulting block. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnToolChangeTable | Called before changing a table block that has been modified in Zoom Viewer with the help of a tool of Image Viewer. Delivers to the client the index of the table block which is going to be changed, and the position and type of the new or deleted separator. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnToolEraseRect | Called before erasing a part of an image, if this process has been invoked in Zoom Viewer with the help of a tool of Image Viewer. Delivers to the client information on the page which is going to be edited, and the coordinates of the erasing rectangle. Allows you to cancel the operation. |
OnVisibleDocumentAreaChange | Called after the visible document area has been changed in Zoom Viewer. Delivers to the client the coordinates of the new visible area. |
See also
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