Chinese Simplified (简体中文)

Document Viewer Commands

Below is the list of commands available in the Document Viewer. The commands can be called by:

  • selecting an item from a context menu,
  • clicking a toolbar button,
  • pressing a hot key,
  • using the DoCommand method of the Commands subobject of a component

However, not all these methods are available for each command. Availability of this or that calling method is described in the table below: "+" means that the command is available by default, "*" — the command can be added by developer. See also Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component.


MenuItemEnum constant Description Context menu Toolbar DoCommand Hot key
MI_AnalyzeLayout Analyzes layout of the selected image pages automatically. + + Ctrl+E
MI_DeletePage Deletes selected page from the current document. + * + Del
MI_DocumentViewDetails Selects the Details document view. + +
MI_DocumentViewThumbnails Selects the Thumbnails document view. + +
MI_FlipHorizontal Flips the image horizontally. + +
MI_FlipVertical Flips the image vertically. + +
MI_GotoPage Goes to the specified page. * * + Ctrl+G
MI_LanguageEditor Opens the Language Editor dialog box, which allows you to select and edit recognition languages. * * + Ctrl+Shift+L
MI_NextPage Shows next page. * + +

Ctrl+Num+ or

Alt+Down Arrow

MI_Options Shows the Options dialog box, which allows you to specify different viewing and saving options. * * +
MI_PrevPage Shows previous page. * + +

Ctrl+Num- or

Alt+Up Arrow

MI_Properties Shows the properties of the selected page. + + Alt+Enter
MI_Read Recognizes the selected pages. + + Ctrl+R
MI_RenumberPages Opens the Renumber Pages dialog box, which allows you to renumber pages. + * +
MI_RotateClockwise Rotates the image 90° clockwise. + +
MI_RotateCounterClockwise Rotates the image 90° counter-clockwise. + +
MI_RotateUpsideDown Rotates the image upside down (180°). + +
MI_SaveAsCsv Saves the recognized text in CSV format. + +
MI_SaveAsDocX Saves the recognized text in DOCX format. + +
MI_SaveAsEpub Saves the recognized text in EPUB format. + +
MI_SaveAsFb2 Saves the recognized text in FB2 format. + +
MI_SaveAsHtm Saves the recognized text in HTML format. + +
MI_SaveAsOdt Saves the recognized text in ODT format. + +
MI_SaveAsPdf Saves the recognized text in PDF format. + +
MI_SaveAsPdfA Saves the recognized text in PDF/A format. + +
MI_SaveAsPptX Saves the recognized text in PPTX format. + +
MI_SaveAsRtf Saves the recognized text in RTF format. + +
MI_SaveAsTxt Saves the recognized text in TXT format. + +
MI_SaveAsXls Saves the recognized text in XLS format. + +
MI_SaveAsXlsX Saves the recognized text in XLSX format. + +
MI_SendToAcrobat Opens a recognized text in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. + +
MI_SendToClipboard Pastes a recognized text to Clipboard. + +
MI_SendToMSExcel Opens a recognized text in Microsoft Excel. + +
MI_SendToMSWord Opens a recognized text in Microsoft Word. + +
MI_SendToOpenOffice Opens a recognized text in + +
MI_SendToPowerPoint Opens a recognized text in Microsoft PowerPoint. + +
MI_SendToWebBrowser Opens a recognized text in the Internet browser. + +
MI_SendToWordPerfect Opens a recognized text in Corel WordPerfect. + +
MI_SendToWordPro Opens a recognized text in Lotus Word Pro. + +
MI_Separator Adds a separator to the toolbar or context menu. + *
MI_SubMenu Adds submenu to the context menu. +
MI_ViewDictionaries Opens the Select Dictionary dialog box, which allows you to view and edit dictionary properties. * * + Ctrl+Alt+D
MI_CustomCommand1 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand2 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand3 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand4 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand5 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand6 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand7 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand8 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand9 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +
MI_CustomCommand10 Allows you to define a custom command. * * +

See also

Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component



03.07.2024 8:50:44

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