English (English)

Predefined types

Void Logic String Int Distance
XCoordinate YCoordinate Real Quality Area
ImageObjectType DateFormats DayFormatVariants MonthFormatVariants YearFormatVariants
XInterval YInterval DistInterval Rect FuzzyRect
RectArray Region ImageObjectSet TextTypes BarcodeTypes
BarcodeOrientations RecognitionMode Direction HorSearchAreaBound VertSearchAreaBound
Hypothesis HypothesisInstances YCoordinateArray TableBlock TableBlockColumn
TableBlockColumnArray TableHypothesis TableHypColumn TableColumnType CurrencyPositionTypes
PageInterval PageArea PageEdge Page SearchAreaPageSetType
IntArray StringArray IntFuzzyInterval DistFuzzyInterval AreaFuzzyInterval
Type Description
Void Type Void is used to declare functions that return no value.
Logic Boolean type. A variable of this type can have values true and false. All conditional expressions return a value of type Logic.
Operators Not Logical NOT, unary operator.
And Logical AND, binary operator.
Or Logical OR, binary operator.
String String type represents variable-length sequence of Unicode characters.
Methods Int Length() Returns the number of characters in the string. Read-Only.
Int Find(String subStr, Int startPos = 0) Returns the beginning of the substring subStr of the string. Starts the search from the startPos position. Can be used without the startPos argument, in which case it assumes the default value of 0. Returns -1 if the string does not include a startPos substring.
Int Compare( String str ) Compares the specified string with the string set by the argument. If the strings are equal, returns 0. If the given string alphabetically precedes str, the function returns -1, if the given string alphabetically follows str, the function returns 1.
Int CompareNoCase( String str ) Compares the specified string with the string set by the argument ignoring the case of the characters. If the strings are equal, returns 0. If the given string alphabetically precedes str, the function returns -1, if the given string alphabetically follows str, the function returns 1.
String Mid ( Int start, Int count ) Returns a substring of the string which is 'count' characters long and starts with the character number start.
String Mid ( String subStr, Int startPos = 0 ) Returns the beginning of the substring subStr of the string. Can be used without the startPos argument, in which case it assumes the default value of 0. Returns -1 if the string does not include a startPos substring.

String SubstParam( String param0 );

String SubstParam( String param0, String param1 );

String SubstParam( String param0, String param1, String param2 );

String SubstParam( String param0, String param1, String param2, String param3 );

String SubstParam( String param0, String param1, String param2, String param3, String param4 )

Returns the text of the string, replacing all occurrences of the %n characters (where n is a non-negative integer) with the corresponding parameters. The number of occurrences of the %n characters in the string must be the same as the number of passed parameters. The text of the original string will not be modified.
String SubstParam( StringArray params ) Same as above, but the parameters are passed as an array of strings.
Operators == Checks if the two strings are equal. Binary operator. Returns a result of type Logic. Returns true if the strings are equal, otherwise returns false. Case-sensitive.
!= Checks if the two strings are not equal. Binary operator. Returns a result of type Logic. Returns true if the strings are not equal, otherwise returns false. Case-sensitive.
+ Concatenates two strings. Returns a value of type String.
Int Integer type. Corresponds to a 32-digit integer.
Methods Int abs( Int ) Returns the absolute value of an integer.
Operators - Changes the sign. Unary operator.
+ Adds integers. Binary operator.
- Subtracts one integer from another. Binary operator.
* Multiplies integers. Binary operator.
/ Divides integers. Binary operator.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Operators of comparison: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Binary operators. Return a value of type Logic.
Distance Integer type (measured in dots) that represents distances.
Methods Distance abs( Distance ) Returns the absolute value of a distance.
Operators - Changes the sign. Unary operator
+ Adds values of type Distance. Binary operator.
- Subtracts values of type Distance. Binary operator
* Multiplies a value of type Distance by a value of type Int. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Distance.
* Multiplies values of type Distance. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Area.
/ Divides a value of type Distance by a value of type Int. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Distance.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Binary operators of comparison. Compare two values of type Distance: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Return a value of type Logic.
XCoordinate Integer type used to represent X-coordinates.
Operators + Adds a value of type XCoordinate to a value of type Distance. Binary operator. Returns a value of type XCoordinate.
- Subtracts a value of type Distance from a value of type XCoordinate. Binary operator. Returns a value of type XCoordinate.
- Subtracts a value of type XCoordinate from a value of type XCoordinate. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Distance.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Compares two values of type XCoordinate: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Binary operators. Return a value of type Logic.
YCoordinate Integer type used to represent Y-coordinates.
Operators + Adds a value of type YCoordinate to a value of type Distance. Binary operator. Returns a value of type YCoordinate.
- Subtracts a value of type Distance from a value of type YCoordinate. Binary operator. Returns a value of type YCoordinate.
- Subtracts a value of type YCoordinate from a value of type YCoordinate. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Distance.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Operators that compare two values of type YCoordinate: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Binary operator Return a value of type Logic.
Real Real number
Operators - Changes the sign. Unary operator
+ Adds two real numbers. Binary operator.
- Subtracts a real number from another real number. Binary operator.
* Multiplies two real numbers. Binary operator.
/ Divides by a real number. Binary operator.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Compare two real numbers: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Binary operators. Return a value of type Logic.
Quality Real number from 0 to 1. Represents the returned value of the methods controlling the quality of an element hypothesis.
Area Integer type (measured in dot*dot) used to represent the area of an image region.
Operators - Changes the sign. Unary operator
+ Adds two values of type Area. Binary operator.
- Subtracts a values of type Area from another value of type Area. Binary operator.
* Multiplies a value of type Area by a number of type Int. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Area.
* Multiplies a value of type Area by a number of type Real. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Area.
/ A binary division operator that divides a number by an integer of type Int. Returns a value of type Area.
/ A binary division operator that divides a number of type Area by a number of type Area. Returns a value of type Real.
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Compare two values of type Area: less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. Binary operators. Return a value of type Logic.
ImageObjectType Type used to represent classified image objects.
Operators + Joins two values of type ImageObjectType.
DateFormats Integer type used to represent the format of date.
Operators + Joins two values of type DateFormats.
DayFormatVariants Integer type used to represent the format of day in the date.
Operators + Joins two values of type DayFormatVariants.
MonthFormatVariants Integer type used to represent the format of month in the date.
Operators + Joins two values of type MonthFormatVariants.
YearFormatVariants Integer type used to represent the format of year in the date.
Operators + Joins two values of type YearFormatVariants.
XInterval Type used to represent a range of X-coordinates on an image.
Operators + Adds a value of type XInterval to a value of type Distance. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Xinterval.
+ Adds a value of type XInterval to a value of type DistInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Xinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type Distance from a value of type XInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Xinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type DistInterval from a value of type XInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Xinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type XInterval from a value of type XInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type XInterval.
- Subtracts a value of type XCoordinate from a value of type XInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type DistInterval.
- Subtracts a value of type XInterval from a value of type XCoordinate. Binary operator. Returns a value of type DistInterval.
Methods XCoordinate Start() Returns the X-coordinate of the beginning of the interval. Read-only property.
XCoordinate End() Returns the X-coordinate of the end of the interval. Read-only property.
YInterval Type used to represent a range of Y-coordinates on an image.
Operators + Adds a value of type YInterval to a value of type Distance. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Yinterval.
+ Adds a value of type YInterval to a value of type DistInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Yinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type Distance from a value of type YInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Yinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type DistInterval from a value of type YInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type Yinterval.
- Subtracts a value of type YInterval from a value of type YInterval. Binary operator. Returns a value of type DistInterval.
Methods YCoordinate Start() Returns the Y-coordinate of the beginning of the interval. Read-only property.
YCoordinate End() Returns the Y-coordinate of the end of the interval. Read-only property.
DistInterval Type used to represent the allowed range of distances.
Operators * Multiplies a value of type DistInterval by a number of type Int. Binary operator. Returns a value of type DistInterval.
/ Divides by a number of type Int. Binary operator
Methods Distance Start() Returns the minimum distance. Read-only property.
Distance End() Returns the maximum distance. Read-only property.
Rect Rectangle on an image.
Constructors Rect Rect( XCoordinate left, YCoordinate top, XCoordinate right, YCoordinate bottom )

Constructs a value of type Rect from coordinates on the image. The boundaries of the rectangle are passed as parameters:

  • left – left boundary,
  • top – top boundary,
  • right – right boundary,
  • bottom – bottom boundary.
Operators Or Unites two rectangles. The result is the smallest rectangle which contains both rectangles.
And Intersects two rectangles. The result is the largest rectangle which is contained in both rectangles.
Methods XCoordinate Left() Returns the left boundary of the rectangle. Read-only property.
YCoordinate top() Returns the top boundary of the rectangle. Read-only property.
XCoordinate Right() Returns the right boundary of the rectangle. Read-only property.
YCoordinate Bottom() Returns the bottom boundary of the rectangle. Read-only property.
Distance Width() Returns the width of the rectangle. Read-only property.
Distance Height() Returns the height of the rectangle. Read-only property.
Area Area() Returns the area of the rectangle. Read-only property.
Void Left( XCoordinate x ) Sets the left boundary of the rectangle.
Void top( YCoordinate y ) Sets the top boundary of the rectangle.
Void Right( XCoordinate x ) Sets the right boundary of the rectangle.
Void Bottom( YCoordinate y ) Sets the bottom boundary of the rectangle.
XCoordinate XCenter() The X-coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
YCoordinate YCenter() The Y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
Void Inflate( Distance xDist, Distance yDist ) Expands the rectangle by xDist to the left and to the right, and by yDist upwards and downwards.
XCoordinate GetX( Real ratio ) Calculates the X-coordinate located within the rectangle between the Left and Right coordinates as Left + Width * ratio.
YCoordinate GetY( Real ratio ) Calculates the Y-coordinate located within the rectangle between the top and Bottom coordinates as Top + Height * ratio.
Rect GetInflated( Distance xDist, Distance yDist ) Returns an "expanded" rectangle. Each apex is shifted by xDist and yDist in the direction that expands the figure (the top left apex is moved upwards and to the left, etc.). -The rectangle itself remains unchanged.
Logic IsEmpty() Checks if the rectangle corresponds to a non-empty region on the image, i.e. a region whose Left < Right and top < Bottom
FuzzyRect Fuzzy rectangle. See Fuzzy_Rect for more.
Operators And Intersects two fuzzy rectangles, i.e. intersects the ranges of the boundaries of specified fuzzy rectangles.
Or Unites two fuzzy rectangles, i.e. unites the ranges of the boundaries of specified fuzzy rectangles.
Methods Rect ExternalRect() Returns a copy of the external rectangle.
Rect InternalRect() Returns a copy of the internal rectangle.
XInterval Left() The left boundary of the fuzzy rectangle, horizontal range.
YInterval top() The top boundary of the fuzzy rectangle, vertical range.
XInterval Right() The right boundary of the fuzzy rectangle, horizontal range.
YInterval Bottom() The bottom boundary of the fuzzy rectangle, vertical range.
XInterval XCenter() The X-coordinate of the center of the fuzzy rectangle, horizontal range.
YInterval YCenter() The Y-coordinate of the center of the fuzzy rectangle, vertical range.
DistInterval Width() The width of the fuzzy rectangle, distance range.
DistInterval Height() The height of the fuzzy rectangle, distance range.
Logic IsEmpty() Checks if the fuzzy rectangle is empty.
RectArray Array of rectangles
Constructors RectArray RectArray () Creates an empty array of rectangles.
RectArray RectArray( Rect rect ) Constructor with parameter Rect. Creates an array consisting of one rectangle equal to the rect rect.
RectArray RectArray( Region region ) Constructor with parameter Region. Creates an array consisting of rectangles of the region region.
Methods Int Count() Returns the number of array elements.
Region Region() Continuous region from an array of rectangles.
Rect Rect() Rectangle circumscribing an array of rectangles.
Rect GetAt( Int ) Returns the item at the specified index.
Rect Rect( Int ) Same as the Rect GetAt( Int ) method, obsolete syntax.
Void Add( Rect rect ) Adds a rect rectangle to an array of rectangles.
Void Add( RectArray array ) Adds an array array of rectangles to an array of rectangles.
Region A region is a set of rectangles positioned one under another in such a way that the top line of the lower rectangle is the bottom line of the upper one (so that the rectangles do not overlap).
Constructors Region Region() Creates an empty region.
Region Region( RectArray rectArray ) Constructor from a value of type RectArray. Creates a region containing the rectangles from the rectArray array.
Operators Or Unites two regions.
And Intersects two regions; or a region and a rectangle. Returns a value of type Region.
Methods XCoordinate Left() Returns the left boundary of the region. Read-only property.
YCoordinate top() Returns the top boundary of the region. Read-only property.
XCoordinate Right() Returns the right boundary of the region. Read-only property.
YCoordinate Bottom() Returns the bottom boundary of the region. Read-only property.
Distance Width() Returns the width of the region. Read-only property.
Distance Height() Returns the height of the region. Read-only property.
Area Area() Returns the area of the region. Read-only property.
Void Inflate( Distance xDist, Distance yDist ) Expands the region by xDist to the right and to the left, and by yDist upwards and downwards.
Rect Rect() Returns a copy of the rectangle circumscribing the region.
ImageObjectSet Type used to represent the set of image objects belonging to the hypothesis.
Methods RectArray Rects() Returns a copy of the array of rectangles of image objects belonging to the hypothesis.
Region Region() Returns a copy of the continuous region created from the array of rectangles of image objects belonging to the hypothesis.
TextTypes Type used to represent a set of text types.
Operators + Joins two values of type TextTypes.
BarcodeTypes Type used to represent a set of barcode types.
Operators + Joins two values of type BarcodeTypes.
BarcodeOrientations Type used to represent a set of possible barcode orientations.
Operators + Joins two values of type BarcodeOrientations.
RecognitionMode Integer type used to represent pre-recognition modes.
Direction Type used to represent the vertical or horizontal direction. Sets the direction of Separator and White Gap elements.
HorSearchAreaBound Type used to represent the right and left boundaries of the element’s search area. A variable of this type can only be created by using a Let expression.
Operators - Binary operator that subtracts a value of type HorSearchAreaBound from a value of type XInterval and vice versa. Returns a value of type Xinterval.
>, < Binary operators that compare a value of type HorSearchAreaBound to a value of type XCoordinate. Return a value of type FuzzyRect.
VertSearchAreaBound Type used to represent the top and bottom boundaries of the element’s search area. A variable of this type can only be created by using a Let expression.
Operators - Binary operator that subtracts a value of type HorSearchAreaBound from a value of type YInterval and vice versa. Returns a value of type Yinterval.
>, < Binary operators that compare a value of type VertSearchAreaBound to a value of type YCoordinate. Return a value of type FuzzyRect.

Type used to call a hypothesis of the element of any type.

See Hypotheses for all types of element for more details.

HypothesisInstances Describes instances of a Repeating Group element. Has the same methods as hypotheses. For more about the methods of hypotheses, see Hypotheses for all types of element.
Methods YCoordinateArray GetYArray( Real ratio ) Returns the array of Y coordinates of instance rectangles. To calculate the Y coordinate, the following formula is used: Top + Height * ratio. Null instances are ignored.
YCoordinateArray The array of Y coordinates of the rectangles.
Constructors YCoordinateArray YCoordinateArray() Constructor. Creates an empty array of rectangles specified by Y coordinates.
Methods Void Add( YCoordinate ) Adds a rectangle to the end of the array
Void Add( YCoordinateArray ) Adds another array to the end of the array.
Void InsertAt( Int index, YCoordinate ) Adds a rectangle to position index.
Void DeleteAll() Deletes all elements of the array
Void DeleteAt( Int index ) Deletes the element in position index.
YCoordinate GetAt( Int index ) Returns the element with the specified index.
Int Count() Returns the number of elements in the array.
Void ShiftDown( Int index, Distance ) Shift downward (increase) the coordinate of the specified element in the array.
Void ShiftUp( Int index, Distance ) Shift upward (decrease) the coordinate of the specified element in the array.
Void ShiftDown( Distance ) Shift downward (increase) all elements in the array.
Void ShiftUp( Distance ) Shift upward (decrease) all elements in the array.
TableBlock A type used to access a table block.
Methods Int ColumnsCount() Returns the number of columns in the block.
String ColumnName( Int columnIndex ) The name of the columnIndex column, where columnIndex is the number of the column. Numbering starts from 0.

Type used to call a column of the table block.

A variable of this type can only be created by using a Let expression. See Hypotheses for Table elements for more details.


Type used to call an array of columns of the table block.

A variable of this type can only be created by using a Let expression. See Hypotheses for Table elements for more details.

Constructors TableBlockColumnArray( TableBlockColumn )

Creates an array of columns from a single column.

For example:

TableBlockColumnArray arr;

arr = Blocks.TableBlock.Column1;

Methods Void Add( TableBlockColumn ) Adds the selected column to the array of columns.
Operators <<

Binary operator that adds an array of columns to another array of columns.

For example:

TableBlockColumnArray arr;

arr = Blocks.TableBlock.Column1;

arr << Blocks.TableBlock.Column2 << Blocks.TableBlock.Column3;


Type used to call a hypothesis of the table element.

See Hypotheses for Table elements for more details.


Type used to call a column of the hypothesis of the table element.

A variable of this type can only be created by using a Let expression. See Hypotheses for Table elements for more details.

TableColumnType Type used to describe of multiple types of column content.
CurrencyPositionTypes Type used to set the position of the currency name relative to the numerical value in a Currency element.
Operators + Joins values of type CurrencyPositionTypes. Binary operator.
PageInterval Types used to represent the page interval of a multi-page document.
Methods Logic IsEmpty() Checks if the range of a rectangle is empty. Read-only.
Int Start() Returns the number of the first page in a range. Read-only.
Int End() Returns the number of the last page in a range. Read-only.
PageArea Area on a page. Returned by PageSearchAreaLocal, PageSearchAreaGlobal, PageAreaLocal, and PageAreaGlobal methods (these functions have page numbers as their arguments). Can be expressed either in global or local coordinates, depending on which function has been called.
Methods XInterval Left() The left boundary of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, horizontal interval.
YInterval Top() The top boundary of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, vertical interval.
XInterval Right() The right boundary of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, horizontal interval.
YInterval Bottom() The bottom boundary of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, vertical interval.
XInterval XCenter() The abscissa of the center of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, horizontal interval.
YInterval YCenter() The ordinate of the center of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, vertical interval.
DistInterval Width() The width of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page.
DistInterval Height() The height of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page.
FuzzyRect FuzzyRect() The fuzzy rectangle of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page
Rect Rect() The enclosing rectangle of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page. Coincides with the outward rectangle of the fuzzy rectangle.
Region Region() The region of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page.
Region SimplifiedRegion() The region of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page, simplified for better viewing.
ImageObjectSet Set() Image objects captured by the part of the hypothesis located on the given page.
ImageObjectSet ExcludeSet() Image objects on the part of the image excluded from the search area of the part of the hypothesis located on the given page by Exclude methods.
RectArray Rects() The array of rectangles of the image objects capture by the part of the hypothesis located on the given page.
PageEdge The type used to specify the Nearest function relative to a page edge. Allows you to select the hypothesis closest to the top, bottom, left or right page edge.
Page Type returned by the Page( Int PageNumber ) function.
Methods Distance AverageLineHeight() Average line height on a page.
Distance AverageInterlineInterval() Average line spacing on a page.
Area ObjectsAreaLocal( Rect localRect, ImageObjectType ) The area of the objects in the specified rectangle on a page of the specified type. Local coordinates are used for the rectangle.
Area ObjectsIntersectionAreaLocal( Rect localRect, ImageObjectType ) The joint area of the objects in the specified rectangle and the area of objects intersection with the rectangle on a page of the specified type. Local coordinates are used for the rectangle.
Area ObjectsAreaGlobal( Rect globalRect, ImageObjectType ) The area of the objects in the specified rectangle on a page of the specified type. Global coordinates are used for the rectangle.
Area ObjectsIntersectionAreaGlobal( Rect globalRect, ImageObjectType ) The joint area of the objects in the specified rectangle and the area of objects intersection with the rectangle on a page of the specified type. Global coordinates are used for the rectangle.
Rect RectLocal() The rectangle of the entire image in local coordinates.
Rect RectGlobal() The rectangle of the entire image in global coordinates.
SearchAreaPageSetType The type used in the RestrictSearchArea function. The predefined constants for this type are: AnyPage; OddPages; EvenPages; LastPage.
IntArray Array of integers.
Constructors IntArray IntArray() Creates an empty array.
IntArray IntArray( Int ) Constructor with parameter Int. Creates an array consisting of this integer.
Methods Int Count() Returns the number of elements in the array.
Int GetAt( Int ) Returns the element with the specified index.
Void Add( Int ) Adds an integer to the end of the array.
Void Add( IntArray ) Adds another array to the end of the array.
Void InsertAt( Int index, Int number ) Adds an integer number to position index.
Void DeleteAll() Deletes all elements of the array.
Void DeleteAt( Int index ) Deletes the element in position index.
Operators << Binary operator that adds an integer to the array.
StringArray Array of strings.
Constructor StringArray StringArray() Creates an empty array.
Methods Int Count() Returns the number of elements in the array.
String GetAt( Int index ) Returns the element with the specified index.
Void Add( String ) Adds a string to the end of the array.
Void Add( StringArray ) Adds another array to the end of the array.
Void InsertAt( Int index, String ) Adds a string to position index.
Void DeleteAll() Deletes all elements of the array.
Void DeleteAt( Int index ) Deletes the element in position index.
IntFuzzyInterval A type for representing a fuzzy integer interval of integers. The fuzzy interval is represented by four values of type Int, each of which should be greater than or equal to the previous value.
Constructor IntFuzzyInterval IntFuzzyInterval( Int value ) Constructor from an integer. Initializes all the four values with the “value” value.
Initialization Expression of type {x1, x2, x3, x4}

A variable of type IntFuzzyInterval may be initialized by an expression of type {x1, x2, x3, x4}, where x1, x2, x3, and x4 are values of type Int.

Example: Int x1 = 5;

IntFuzzyInterval intFuzzyInt = {x1, 200, 300, 5000};

Operators + A binary addition operator that adds a value of type IntFuzzyInterval to a value of type Int. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
+ A binary addition operator that adds a value of type IntFuzzyInterval to a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type Int from a value of type IntFuzzyInterval. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type IntFuzzyInterval from a value of type Int. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type DistInterval from a value of type IntFuzzyInterval. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type IntFuzzyInterval from a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
* A binary multiplication operator that multiplies a value of type IntFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
* A binary multiplication operator that multiplies a value of type IntFuzzyInterval by a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
/ A binary division operator that divides a value of type IntFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type IntFuzzyInterval.
DistFuzzyInterval A type for representing a fuzzy integer interval of distances. The fuzzy interval is represented by four values of type Distance, each of which should be greater than or equal to the previous value.
Constructor DistFuzzyInterval DistFuzzyInterval ( Distance value ) Constructor from a value of type Distance. Initializes all the four values with the “value” value.
Initialization Expression of type {d1, d2, d3, d4}

A variable of type DistFuzzyInterval may be initialized with an expression of type {d1, d2, d3, d4}, where d1, d2, d3, and d4 are values of type Distance.

Example: Distance d1 = 5dt;

DistFuzzyInterval distFuzzyInt = {d1, 200dt, 300dt, 5000dt};

Operators + A binary addition operator that adds a value of type DistFuzzyInterval to a value of type Distance. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
+ A binary addition operator that adds a value of type DistFuzzyInterval to a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type Distance from a value of type DistFuzzyInterval. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type DistFuzzyInterval from a value of type Distance. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type DistInterval from a value of type DistFuzzyInterval. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type DistFuzzyInterval from a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
* A binary multiplication operator that multiplies a value of type DistFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
* A binary multiplication operator that multiplies a value of type DistFuzzyInterval by a value of type DistInterval. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
/ A binary division operator that divides a value of type DistFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type DistFuzzyInterval.
AreaFuzzyInterval A type for representing a fuzzy integer interval of area. The fuzzy interval is represented by four values of type Area, each of which should be greater than or equal to the previous value.
Constructor AreaFuzzyInterval AreaFuzzyInterval ( Area value ) Constructor from a value of type Area. Initializes all the four values with the “value” value.
Initialization Expression of type {a1, a2, a3, a4}

A variable of type AreaFuzzyInterval may be initialized with an expression of type {a1, a2, a3, a4}, where a1, a2, a3, and a4 are values of type Area.

Example: Area a1 = 500dt*dt;

AreaFuzzyInterval areaFuzzyInterval = {a1, 2000dt*dt, 3000dt*dt, 5000dt*dt};

Operators + A binary addition operator that adds a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval to a value of type Area. Returns a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type Area from a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval. Returns a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval.
- A binary subtraction operator that subtracts a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval from a value of type Area. Returns a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval.
* A binary multiplication operator that multiplies a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval.
/ A binary division operator that divides a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval by a value of type Int. Returns a value of type AreaFuzzyInterval.
TextRotations A type for representing a set of orientations of the recognized text in which the element is searched.
Operators + Joins values of type TextRotations.

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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