Uploading several documents
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To upload several documents in one transaction, follow the steps below:
- Start the mobile upload.
- Take photos of the pages of the first document.
- In the pop-up window that appears, allow the micro application access to your camera.
- Point the camera at a document page and the camera will automatically take a picture of the page.
You can turn off the automatic capture by tapping
and take pictures manually using the Capturer button.
Page edges will be detected automatically. You can manually adjust the edges on the Crop screen.
- Review the images on the Analyse screen. If necessary, recapture some pages. For more information, seeRévision et modification des images de document.
- After you have finished capturing the document pages, tap Effectué. You still can add more pages by tapping the Ajouter une page button on the Documents screen.
- On the Documents screen, tap the Capturer button for the next document and repeat steps 2 through 4.
- If necessary, tap the Reprendre command in the
menu to recapture all pages. This action will remove all current page images for this document.
- If necessary, tap the Supprimer command in the
menu to delete the document from the transaction. This will delete the document permanently along with all its pages, meaning you won’t be able to restore it.
- Once all the pages have been added to all the documents, tap the Télécharger button. Your mobile device will display a message with the upload status. The images that have been uploaded successfully will be deleted from your device.
22.12.2023 12:36:43