Page element

Recognized page. It is a sequence of block tags.

If the document is exported to XML but not to any of the image formats, the coordinates will be specified relative to the original image. If the document is exported to XML and at the same time to one of the image formats, the coordinates will be specified relative to the preprocessed image that is exported.

The tag can have the following attributes:

Property Data type Description
width* integer The image width in pixels.
height* integer The image height in pixels.
resolution* integer The image resolution in pixels per inch.
originalCoords boolean If the value is true , the coordinates are specified relative to the original image. If the value is false, the coordinates are specified relative to the preprocessed image.
rotation string

The type of rotation applied to the original page image.

Possible values:

  • Normal,
  • RotatedClockwise,
  • RotatedUpsidedown,
  • RotatedCounterclockwise.

The default value is Normal.

Block element

A recognized block. Each such tag includes the region element, which specifies the region of the block on an image.

The following element includes the region element.

Has the following attribute:

Property Data type Description
blockType * string

Denotes the block type: Text, Table, Picture, Barcode, Separator, SeparatorsBox. The value of this attribute defines which elements the tag includes:

  • text — available only if the blockType attribute is Text,
  • row — available only if the blockType attribute is Table,
  • separatorsBox — available only if the blockType attribute is SeparatorsBox.
  • separator — available only if the blockType attribute is Separator.

Region element

A block region consisting of a set of rectangles. Includes one or several rect elements.

Rect element

A rectangle of a block region. The tag has the following attributes:

Property Data type Description
l * integer The coordinate of the left border of the rectangle.
t * integer The coordinate of the top border of the rectangle.
r * integer The coordinate of the right border of the rectangle.
b * integer The coordinate of the bottom border of the rectangle.

* Indicates a required property.

12/22/2023 12:36:42 PM

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