Paragraphs array elements

Elements of the paragraphs array are objects describing paragraphs of text. When a paragraph is detected, its function on that page is specified. Additionally, information about the formatting of text in that region and about whether the paragraph belongs to a list is also recorded.

Property Data type Description
id string The identifier of the paragraph in a document.
role string enum

The function of the paragraph in the document.

Possible values:

  • other,
  • text,
  • heading,
  • headingNumber,
  • tableOfContents,
  • tableText,
  • runningTitle,
  • endNote,
  • footNote,
  • tableCaption,
  • tableHeading,
  • pictureCaption,
  • artefact.
formatting object The paragraph formatting.
layoutReferences object array An array of objects that determine the mapping between parts of the paragraph and text blocks on a page,as well as specifying the location of the paragraph in the document's logic structure.
text string The paragraph text.
listReference object If the paragraph belongs to a list, this object specifies the level of the list to which the paragraph belongs, as well as the location of the paragraph in that list.

12/22/2023 12:36:42 PM

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