Ordering files and documents
To order the files in the document or documents in the transaction, specify the index for each of them during file upload or document creation (at step 4 of the scenario). To do so, pass an integer value (a serial number of a file or a document) for the index key while adding a file to the transaction or to the document.
For Windows
For Linux
If you specify no indexes, the files in the transaction or document will be sorted in the order they were uploaded, and the documents in the transaction will be sorted in the order they were created. If the indexes for some files or documents are the same, the order will also be decided by upload or creation time.
All file upload and document creation methods accept indexes for custom ordering:
- transactions/<transaction-id>/files
- transactions/<transaction-id>/documents/<document-id>/sourceFiles
- transactions/<transaction-id>/documents
- transactions/launch.
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