Additional fields
You can manage additional fields in the Document Definition Properties dialog box. From the main menu of the Document Definition editor, select Document Definition → Document Definition Properties.... In the dialog box that opens, click the Document Definition Settings tab and then click the Edit... button in the Additional Fields and Features group.
The Document Definition Features dialog box will open, which offers additional invoice processing options. Each option may involve one or more invoice fields and their associated rules.
List of additional fields in the Document Definition Features dialog box:
- Due Date
- Delivery Date
- Purchaser Name
- Purchase order matching
- Line items extraction (your license must allow capturing data from this additional field)
- GL Coding
- Prefer variant ID as main identifier in training batch (when vendor depends on the business unit)
- Taxes
- Additional taxes (available if the Taxes option is selected)
Each option in the dialog box is supplied with a description that lists the fields from which to capture data.
To enable an option, put a check in the box next to its name.
To enable the Purchase order matching option, you additionally need to connect to a database storing your purchase orders. See Purchase order matching for more information.
The names of the fields linked to disabled options are shown in gray. In the data form that is displayed in the Document Definition editor, these fields are also shown in gray. These fields won't be displayed during verification in the document editor. When you open the properties of a gray field, a message will be displayed saying Field is disabled by its feature.
Rules that are linked to disabled options will also be disabled in the list of rules of the Document Definition.
Once you enable an option, its linked fields and rules are enabled.
18.06.2023 17:47:23