Technical support
Should you have any questions about using ABBYY FlexiCapture, please consult the detailed description of functionality in the Help Topics and User Guide supplied with ABBYY FlexiCapture. You may also browse the technical support section on our Website where you may find an answer to your question.
To provide expert advice, our technical support service requires the following information:
- Last name, first name, patronymic
- Organization name
- Phone number (fax, e-mail address)
- Serial number of your installation package
- Build (see Help → About ABBYY FlexiCapture)
Note: To find out the current version of the web station and the server, click the ABBYY logo in the bottom right corner of the page.
- General description of the problem with the full error message text (if available)
- PC and processor type
- Windows OS version
- Other information you consider important
12.04.2024 18:16:02