ABBYY FlexiCapture sample projects
To see how ABBYY FlexiCapture works and to better understand its features, you can use the sample projects included with the program. These ready-made projects contain set-up Document Definitions and document images for processing.
You can find the sample projects in %public%\ABBYY\FlexiCapture\12.0\Samples.
The Samples folder contains the following folders:
- FlexiCapture - This folder contains the sample FlexiCapture projects.
- FlexiLayoutStudio - This folder contains the sample FlexiLayout Studio projects. These sample projects illustrate the processing of semi-structured documents and should be opened in ABBYY FlexiLayout Studio. Detailed description for some of these projects is available in the FlexiLayout Studio help file (see the Tutorial and Tips and Tricks sections).
- FormDesigner - This folder contains fixed forms developed in ABBYY FormDesigner. The *.fdd should be opened in ABBYY FormDesigner. These forms are used in the following sample FlexiCapture projects: Banking Card Application, Questionnaire.
- Images - This folder contains scanned document images for the sample FlexiCapture projects.
Below follows a list of the sample FlexiCapture projects and their brief description.
A sample project involving documents of different types
The project folders contain sample FlexiCapture projects.
1. Single Entry Point
This project shows how documents of different types can be processed. No preliminary document sorting is required, fixed forms and semi-structured documents can be processed together. The Document Definitions used in this project are also used in the projects described below.
The project contains all types of documents Banking Card Applications, Invoices, Contracts, Letters, Prices.
Sample projects involving fixed forms
The project folders contain forms created in ABBYY FormDesigner and FlexiCapture projects.
2. Banking Card Application
This sample project illustrates the following capabilities:
- Automatic detection of fields on fixed forms (to see how autodetection works, delete all fields from the Document Definition and select Tools → Autodetect Objects by Type...)
- Support for documents with complex structures:
- Multipage documents (three-page applications are used in the sample project)
- Working with document sections (in the sample project, each page is a separate section)
- Document assembly rules
- Annex processing
- Support for complex fields:
- Working with tables on fixed forms (Opened Accounts table)
- Repeating field groups (Address and Requested Accounts groups)
- Data format checks (the formats for all numerical fields and date fields are specified)
- Customizing the data form.
- Export to multiple destinations.
- Editing out of confidential information (redaction).
3. Questionnaire
A detailed description of this sample project can be found in the user's guide. The project shows how to set up a Document Definition step by step. A number of simpler forms are used to illustrated the basic ABBYY FlexiCapture features. You can complete the questionnaire in this sample project, process it in ABBYY FlexiCapture and send the exported data to ABBYY.
Sample projects involving flexible forms
The project folders contain FlexiLayout Studio projects and FlexiCapture projects.
4. Invoice
This sample project illustrates the processing of semi-structured documents and illustrates the following capabilities:
- Variable number of pages in documents (from 1 to 3)
- Tables extending over multiple pages
- The use of an external keyword dictionary (a text file)
- A JScript rule is used to compare the sum in the Total field with the sum obtained by adding up the Total values from all table rows.
5. Prices
This sample project illustrates the processing of semi-structured documents and illustrates the following capabilities:
- Support for repeating groups. This sample project shows how repeating groups can be used to describe nested tables (tables with subheadings)
6. Letters&Contracts
This sample project illustrates the processing of unstructured documents from which 2 or 3 fields are captured. The project illustrates the following capabilities:
- Variable number of pages in documents (from 1 to 4)
- Setting up export to Searchable PDF.
Sample projects involving document sets
The project folders contain FlexiLayout projects.
7. Mortgage Document Set
This sample project illustrates the processing of documents sets. A set of mortgage application documents is used as an example. The following basic features are illustrated:
- Using standard assembly rules to assemble document sets.
- Using a summary section (see the section named "Document Set Summary" in the Document Definition named "Mortgage Document Set").
- Using links to an existing field (see the "Passport Number" and "State Wages" fields and the fields in the "Name Group" and "SSN Group" groups of the summary section).
- Using field comparison rules (see the fields in the "Name Group" and "SSN Group" groups of the summary section).
- Using a script rule to fill the value of the resulting field if certain fields contain identical values (see the "Name Result" and "SSN Result" fields in the summary section).
- Hiding sections on the data form.
- Exporting each document set in entirety to a PDF file (see the export profile named "Export each document set to PDF" in the Document Definitiion named "Mortgage Document Set").
- Exporting data from the summary section (see the export profile named "Export all document sets data to one file" of the Document Definition named "Mortgage Document Set").
8. Signatures, Stamps, Photos Comparison
This sample project illustrates comparison of signatures, stamps, and photos from different documents of a document set. The fields in question are placed in a summary section so that the Operator won't have to open every document in the document set.
The project contains two document sets — Signatures&Stamps Document Set and Photos Document Set. Each document set has several documents, some of which are shared by both projects.
To ensure the correct assembly of document sets, a separate batch type is used for each document set. For each batch type, a list of Document Definitions is specified, which includes both a Document Definition for the document set and Document Definitions for individual documents.
Only compared images are exported from each document set.
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