How to update from the previous version

In case your project is already using WebCapture module, you may want to update it to the new version.

Navigate to the last updated distribution folder. Copy all the files from the libs folder to your project. Replace the duplicate files, if necessary.

Some more configuration may be required concerning license file and wasm files paths. Make sure, that licenseFilePath and wasmFilesPath are specified correctly in the init and capture methods in your project. The paths can be defined as absolute or relative. Relative path to the wasm files refer to the file calling current method. Relative path to the license file refer to the wasmFilesPath property value. See init options or capture options description for details.

 Important! From ABBYY Mobile Web Capture R1 release some third-party technology libraries should be linked to your projects explicitly inside a <head> tag. You can see an example in all the distributed samples, i.e. ABBYY Mobile Web Capture basic usage code sample.

Your project is now updated and using the most current Mobile Web Capture version. Your license file is available for every new product version.

03.04.2023 17:06:08

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