Getting Started

To start developing with the ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK Xamarin Plugin, you need to create a Xamarin.Forms application project, add references to provided DLL files to this project and copy the ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK assets, as described below.

1. Create a new Xamarin.Forms mobile application for Android and iOS platforms.
 Note: Plugin requires Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform development.

2. In order to access the device's camera and photo library, do the following:

Android iOS

In the project Properties check the following permissions as required:


Add the following keys to your Info.plist :

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.

3. Add to the References of your Xamarin.Forms application the following libraries:

Android iOS
    • libs/MobileCapture.Forms.Common.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.Forms.Android.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.Android.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.UI.Android.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.Forms.Common.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.Forms.iOS.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.iOS.dll
    • libs/MobileCapture.UI.iOS.dll

4. Add the MobileCapture.License file to corresponding folder of your Xamarin.Forms application:

    • to Assets folder for Android
    • to Resources folder for iOS

5. Add all files from the assets folder to corresponding folder of your Xamarin.Forms application:

  • to Assets/patterns folder for Android
  • to Resources/patterns folder for iOS

6. Make sure that the following NuGet dependencies are added to your project:

Android iOS
    • Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils
    • Xamarin.Forms
    • Xamarin.Essentials
    • Xamarin.Kotlin.Stdlib
    • Xamarin.Forms
    • Xamarin.Essentials

7. For iOS: Register the Mobile Capture SDK interfaces implementation.
Add to the FinishedLaunching(UIApplication, NSDictionary) method of the AppDelegate class the next string:


Investigate sample folder of your distribution to see the ready-to-use sample project.

 Note: To run sample license file is required.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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