Editing a Checkmark Group

For each checkmark group element, the properties can be specified both for the element itself and for its fields.

A checkmark group has the same properties as a table field: the coordinates and size of the element; width, style, and color of the lines; cell spacing; whether the first row contains column names; a linked field. See the Editing a table element for details.

The Questions field has the same properties as a text field: size and position of the element, text, font, text color, word wrap, horizontal and vertical alignment, orientation, and the color of element's background. See the Editing a Text Element for details.

Answers represent checkmark fields and have the same properties: text position, field size, border width, border color, standoff, text, font, word wrap, text color, background color, tip, linked field. For details, see the Editing a Checkmark Field.

You can change the properties of the Checkmark Group or its element which is selected at the moment in the Element Properties window located in the bottom right corner of the main window. The Element Properties window is displayed only if View → Element Properties is selected on the main menu.

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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